Complex Trauma Surgeon in Delhi- Dr. Lalit Bafna

Complex Orthopaedic Trauma

When a serious injury occurs to our musculoskeletal system it refers as complex orthopaedic trauma, such injuries are commonly caused by fall, car or sports accident, or many other reasons, severe skeletal injuries require immediate medical attention.

Events like sports accident or car crashes not only result in broken bones or injuries, but in some cases it may result in significant problems related to our bone joints; apart from injuries like broken bones it can also cause joints misalignment or malunion fracture. These complex injuries at our bone and joints are called as complex orthopaedic trauma, this trauma can also be result of overuse of joints, for example, running for longer period,

Complexity of orthopaedic trauma depends upon the injury because a minor fracture of tailbone is also account as orthopaedic trauma, we can say that orthopaedic trauma is broader term, while treatment of an orthopaedic trauma depends upon the severity of injury as ultimate goal of the orthopaedic surgeon is to restore the functioning of injured joints and bones.

Types of Orthopaedic Traumas

Orthopaedic trauma caused damaged to our bones, joints, ligaments or soft tissues after an injury. Types of traumatic injury are mentioned below:

Fractures: a broken bone is known as fracture, bone can be completely fractured or partially, an orthopaedic trauma may result in fractures like compound fractures (when injured bone pierced though the skin) or Comminuted fracture (fracture caused by high level of trauma like car crash)

Pelvic & Hip Fractures: when a complex fracture occurs it is not only affects the joints of the individual, but it also results the injury in soft tissues of pelvic area, similarly to pelvic fracture a hip fracture caused by a trauma can result multiple fracture of hip bones.

Traumatic Amputation: when an accident cause detachment of limb from rest of the body, in some cases some parts remain attached to the body. In such cases an orthopaedic surgeon will evaluate how to reattach the amputated part through surgery while in some cases an amputation is necessary to save the life of patient

Dislocation: in dislocation a bone get knocked out of its place, dislocation is painful injury of joints which result in temporary deformation of joints, a joint can be partially or fully dislocated. A traumatic fall may also result in luxation.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma

Your surgeon will suggest some test after evaluating the injured body parts, X-Ray and MRI are common tests for the diagnosis of amount of injury, and in some cases an arthroscopy is suggested. Treatment depends upon the kind of traumatic injury; ultimate goal of an orthopaedic surgeon is to restore the normal functioning of the injured body part.

Prevention from Complex Orthopaedic Trauma

We cannot stop the accidents, but here is list of some simple things which can reduce your chances of getting an acute trauma

  • Sports players should always wear protective sports gear to prevent the injury
  • Wearing a seat belt while driving may reduce the chances of traumatic injury.